The veredict is in in the trial of the Vicar for Religious in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Guilty! But the veredict is not about Monsignor Lynn who did what he was told by his Archbishop, Cardinal Bevilacqua, who happily died before the trial; it is about all those who lied and covered-up the abusers of children in their care because their religious superiors told them to and it is about those superiors who prefessed ignorance and refused to listen to reports of such abuses by highly plsaced, wealthy and influential figures in the Church. It is about the cult of "clericalism" in the Church which exempted this special caste from the demands of moral decency and civil law.
As a Catholic I am proud of onr thing about this trial: the prosecutor is a Catholic layman who faithfully carried out his duty in spite of the pressure he undoubtedly experienced in doing so. I presume that some of the jurors were also Catholic. It is a sad contrast with the performance of our moral leaders who failed everyone, the children, themselves, the Church by their prevarications and carefully crafted denials of facts.
But the case for the defence accurately poimted the finger at who was ultimately responsible for Msgr Lynn's actions: his boss, the late Cardinal, who determined policies and made final decisions on all those actions. Despite clear statements on the right and responsibility of the individual to follow their conscience, Church authorities from the pope down demand unquestioning obedience to their commands. Ask the LCWR, ask Hans Kung or Charles Curran.
Coincidentally the NCR this week published a review by Jason Berry of a book about the Legion of Christ and the life of their founder,Marcial Maciel Delgallado. It describes in great detail the efforts of many priests to tell Pope John Paul II from 1998 until his death about Maciel's abuse of his followers and his manipulation of supporters. John Paul II refused to hear their accounts and continued to praise Maciel as an example to others. Several authority figures in the Vatican who profited from their relationship with Maciel refused meet with or hear those who made these reports.
To the credit of Benedict XVI, he listened and removed Macial from power, but he does not seem to grasp the failure of John Paul II to act upon reports. He is still surrounded by toadys of his predecessor and seeks to canonize John Paul II, to hold him up as a model, especially to those who exercise authority in the Church. God save us from more unresponsive leaders. We have enough already.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Bishops' Lawsuit
I have very
ambivalent feelings about the bishops' suit against Obamacare. On one hand I
see medical care for all as good and desirable. On the other I see that current
interpretations of the law could destroy the religious freedom enshrined in the
To force Muslims to
eat pork obviously violates their religious convictions. To force them to
provide pork for others to eat is less obvious.
However if we frame the question in terms of "Should we pay to
provide guns to Al_Quaida or Mexican drug dealers?" the answer iis
simpler: NO! Our country has a history of recognizing consciencious objections
to killing. even murderers. These are grounds
for excluding someone from jury duty in capital cases.
We are not dealing
with essential Church doctrine when we talk about contraception. I am not
promoting or recommending contraception as the .most desirable or effective
method of family planning. In the judgement of the pope and of many committed Catholics it is morally wrong, but that is an opinion
and it is not the doctrine of the Church.
However, there is
more to the current controversy than contraception. There is the issue of
abortion and the obligation the law imposes to pay for it. If as a mobster I
pay a goon to murder a rival gangster, I am guilty of murder. If I pay to
procure an abortion, I likewise share the guilt. The state says that Churches
will not have to pay for the abortion, the insurance company will. "Out of
the goodness of its heart", I'm sure! The Church will pay through higher
Another issue seems
to be a redefinition of "religion" and "church", limiting
them to what occurs in the church sanctuary. Services the church provides, such
as education, health and social services are excluded from this new definition.
So I'm ambivalent. I
have problems with the Church's involvement in partisan politics. It diminishes
the Church's prestige and the credibility of the bishops. We don't trust
politicians, even when they trumpet their faith. This is an area where lay
organizations like the Knights of Columbus and others should be carrying the
ball, not the bishops. They should be the coaches, enunciating the moral
principles, not the linemen in the trenches.
(P,S. I note that the CHA (Catholic Health Association) has taken such action in an objection filed today, 6/15/2012)
(P,S. I note that the CHA (Catholic Health Association) has taken such action in an objection filed today, 6/15/2012)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Trauma's effects
Mary was much younger than Elizabeth, although close to her cousin, so that she went to visit her when told of Elizabeth's pregnancy. Although they apparently did not live close to each other, in the normal course of events they would have stayed in contact and their sons would have probably met from time to time. John would certainly have been among the brothers of Jesus mentioned in the New Testament.
We do know how he died. He condemned wrong-doing by a powerful political figure and was imprisoned and eventually executed for doing so. Of him Jesus said: "among those born of woman there was none greater than John the Baptist!"
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Church Shopping (4)
Church Shopping (4)
The program I described also demonstrated the abandonment of the principle of subsidiarity, that decisions should involve those who must implement them and be made at the lowest level possible, It was imposed from the top without consultation as to the need or the appropriateness of the material.
No two communities are identical in their needs or their composition and such programs should be tailored to the needs and also to the abilities of the participants. Many parishes must adapt their programs to accommodate different levels of spiritual maturity as well as educational backgrounds.
Perhaps what I am saying is that while the neophyte may be seeking an introduction to Christ for the first time, others may be seeking a deeper personal relationship with Him and a fuller understanding of His Gospel. If a church or the church community is not prepared to respond to this search, the seeker may go elsewhere, to another church of the same or of another denomination. If we fail to meet this need, which is actually universal, we tend to blame the seeker, but the failure us ours. Since only 50% of those who leave join another church, we all fail the other 50%.
But if we meet the need, if we have a warm, vibrant, welcoming community, if the joy and love of Christ is evident in our celebrations, and His message is faithfully and enthusiastically proclaimed in the homily, then the seeker has found a home where their faith is fed and nurtured and grows to maturity and bears fruit in abundance.
Doctrinal orthodoxy, a Scripture-based theology, may be what the visitor is seeking, but it also seems that the presentation of the message, the welcome and the friendly atmosphere in which it is communicated may be the factor which determines the choice. Only you can provide that.
(The end.)
The program I described also demonstrated the abandonment of the principle of subsidiarity, that decisions should involve those who must implement them and be made at the lowest level possible, It was imposed from the top without consultation as to the need or the appropriateness of the material.
No two communities are identical in their needs or their composition and such programs should be tailored to the needs and also to the abilities of the participants. Many parishes must adapt their programs to accommodate different levels of spiritual maturity as well as educational backgrounds.
Perhaps what I am saying is that while the neophyte may be seeking an introduction to Christ for the first time, others may be seeking a deeper personal relationship with Him and a fuller understanding of His Gospel. If a church or the church community is not prepared to respond to this search, the seeker may go elsewhere, to another church of the same or of another denomination. If we fail to meet this need, which is actually universal, we tend to blame the seeker, but the failure us ours. Since only 50% of those who leave join another church, we all fail the other 50%.
But if we meet the need, if we have a warm, vibrant, welcoming community, if the joy and love of Christ is evident in our celebrations, and His message is faithfully and enthusiastically proclaimed in the homily, then the seeker has found a home where their faith is fed and nurtured and grows to maturity and bears fruit in abundance.
Doctrinal orthodoxy, a Scripture-based theology, may be what the visitor is seeking, but it also seems that the presentation of the message, the welcome and the friendly atmosphere in which it is communicated may be the factor which determines the choice. Only you can provide that.
(The end.)
Friday, June 8, 2012
Church Shopping (3)
shopping (3)
The bishops have initiated a program to call Catholics who
have drifted away from the Church to come home and many parishes are making an
effort to welcome home the prodigal sons and daughters. I was recently
irked by a national program, ostensibly of renewal, which would have delighted
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre or Fr. Leonard Feeney. Its focus was what to do as a
Catholic rather than why one should be a Catholic. It was an exercise in ecclesiastical
narcissism rather than evangelism. My initial misgivings arose when a
presentation on the program never mentioned Vatican Council II. These sessions were supposed to explain our
faith and renew the spiritual life of our parish, but it became clear that it
was merely a make-over of a generation-old program which I believe was very
successful in its time. However, times have changed. As an inducement to come home it elicited a big yawn: "Why?'
The program concentrated on “How to”
rather than “Why.” The content was similar to what I got in my third grade
catechism seventy years ago. Reading it
one would never know that Vatican II occurred. There was no mention of
ecumenism, of the empowerment of the laity, of liturgical changes, of freedom
of conscience. It was a repeat of the old caricature that the role of laity in
the Church was to “pay, pray and obey.” There was no recognition that since
Vatican II Catholics have learned to think for themselves, to make their own
decisions and to be responsible before God for their own actions. They are no
longer a nineteenth century Church of illiterate immigrants looking to their
priests to tell them what to do. They are successful, intelligent,
well-educated men and women who do not need the hierarchy to micromanage their
personal lives or their relationship with God.
Richard McBrien in The Church expresses
it well:”Educated Catholics still look to the Church for moral guidance but
they are searching for principles not rules.” Incidentally the booklets used
for the six sessions of the program cost $10.00 each ($60.00 total) while
copies of McBrien’s The Church could probably have been purchased in
bulk for less than half that cost and would have presented a far more complete
exposition on the Church.
I have reviewed other materials from Catholic and non-Catholic sources which are solidly Christian in content and present a far more inviting image of the Church than the rigid, comdemning institution which many deserted years ago. We need to love the Church, not fear it and that is the message which we need to share. Above all those who come need to hear that we welcome them, we accept them, we listen to them and we love them.
ecclesiastical narcissism,
ongoing formation,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Church Shopping (2)
Church Shopping (2)
Scandles however are not the major
cause of leakage if faced honestly and dealt with promptly. In most cases loyal
parishioners will close ranks and pick up the pieces. According to a national
survey in 2011, 70% of those who left Catholicism for another church say they
did so because their spiritual needs were not being met. Richard Gaillardetz, professor of theology at
Boston College, explains this as “because the quality of Church life is poor
and church leadership is inattentive to their real pastoral concerns.” By
“quality” he seems to refer to teaching, preaching or community life and
liturgy. My personal experience suggests that the quality of the preaching has
improved but that the content has not. Homilies are more Scripture based and
better prepared, but still comfortable and unchallenging. Community life and
liturgy have deteriorated in the last thirty years. Gaillardetz also points out that our hierarchy
seems to focus its recent teaching on abortion, same-sex marriage and
artificial birth control – all serious issues but indicative of an emphasis on
human sexuality --while ignoring other issues including clerical pedophilia,
which is disturbing to many. Twenty years ago the Church dealt with human life
as a “seamless garment” that included issues of war and peace, capital
punishment and social justice, which are still critical but no longer a
priority from the bishops’ perspective.
I am impressed by the emphasis on
ongoing adult religious education and formation by many other Christian
communities in their Sunday School programs and various groups which focus on
Scripture study and family living and by their outreach through home and
foreign mission trips. I welcome the efforts which have developed to build such
programs among Catholics, though I think more home visits by pastors or parish
associates would be more effective in building up the parish community. I know
it worked in the past. A priest and his parishioners can get to know each
other, to share their needs and vision, far more effectively in the family
living-room than from the pulpit to the pew. People will utter criticisms far
more easily and honestlyin the privacy of their home than in public.
Other churches utilize home visit
programs with sufficient frequency to suggest that it still works. I think the
social gospel of the Church has been reasonably promoted in spite of the amount
that is still lacking. The current
economic recession has demonstrated that Christians of all denominations have
grasped their responsibility for those who are hungry or homeless. I realize that Christ told us we
would never get it perfectly: “The poor you have always with you.”
(To be continued)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Church Shopping (1)
I was baptized a Catholic when I
was three days old and have been a loyal member of the Church all my life.
Recent events have made me ask “Why?” but I am still here. I have a number of good friends who are
committed Christians who have switched their allegiance from one denomination
to another over the years
I recently found myself involved in several
discussions about why people choose to join a particular church or
denomination. In all of them at least one participant was a “former Catholic”
who had left the Church for some reason.
(10% of most non-Catholic church members are "former"
Catholics), Since surveys show that about 28% of parochial school graduates
leave the Catholic Church as adults and that 50% of these join another
denomination, their reasons interest me.
Responses may be indicative of a denomination's liturgy, ecclesiology or rule
of faith. Some stress the source of doctrinal orthodoxy, the nature of
authority in the church, the style of liturgical celebration, the quality of
preaching, the sacramental system or the nature of clerical leadership. The
role of women in church ministry is an issue in today’s society. Some focus on
the personality of the pastor or the friendliness of the church community.
Other churches stress a community outreach to serve those in need while still
others are primarily seeking to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Programs
which serve children often have significant effect either through a church
school or a religious education program. Generally all of these factors are
involved to some degree.
For me Church is a committed
community sharing the same vision of the Gospel, who come together to celebrate
Christ’s gift of Himself and to live out His message in the world. It is an
experience of His presence in the community and once shared is never totally
lost.All these are positive factors in attracting new members but some negative issues may drive long-time Catholics to leave the Church. Pedestrian liturgy, poor preaching, inadequate or dishonest responses to moral or financial scandals on the local level, insensitive and autocratic decisions by church officials and a reactionary clericalism and return to the pre-Vatican II style church at all levels have led many to say “I have had it”. In some areas, such as Philadelphia or Cleveland today, very public scandals make it embarrassing to say you are a Catholic.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Don’t Miss the Trees in the Forest!
There's been a lot of negative publicity about the Catholic hierarchy recently: financial problems with the Vatican Bank, leaking of confidential information linked to accusations of a power struggle and corruption among leaders of the Church, a well-founded perception of sexism in the appointment of an Archbishop to take charge of the Leadership Council of Women Religious (the umbrella group for most orders of nuns) in America, which seemed to be a grab for control of their activities and finances.
Parishes and schools are being closed in some major cities in the north-east and a three month-long trial of a senior pastor in Philadelphia on charges of covering-up child abuse by priests over several decades is ending. Here the jury must assign the responsibility to the priest or to his boss, the now deceased Cardinal-Archbishop.
All of this is nasty news and it has damaged the image and the credibility of the Catholic Church immensely. Even though most of it is occurring far from Orlando, it still deeply concerns most Catholics. The Church is not just the
bishop's role,
religious principles,
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