What is a priest?
The role of the priest is described by Christ as the good shepherd, the one who leads and guides the flock. He was also the mediator between God and man, described by Paul (Heb.5:1) as "taken from among men and made their representative before God." Vatican II echoes this same ambivalence about the priests’ role when it writes in the Constitution on the Church : "They are consecrated in order to preach the gospel and shepherd the faithful as well as to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament."
While the two roles are not exclusive, we tend to emphasize one or other and the functions associated with them: preaching, teaching, administration, presiding at or leading the liturgical celebrations, sanctifying and administering the sacraments. One or other role dominates in the life achievements of most priests, though some can balance both roles remarkably well.
In the traditional role of the pre-1960 priest: he administered the parish, counseled the parishioners, celebrated the mass and sacramental activities of the parish and directed all that went on in the