Monday, July 23, 2012

Movie Massacre

Once again we are faced with the senseless murder of normal people assembled to enjoy a pleasant evening at the movies. What makes it worse is the apparent lack of motive for the massacre. These casual killings seem to occur randomly all over the world, but many of them in the United States. We can only pray for the victims and their grieving families and friends.

We ask ourselves what can be done to prevent a recurrence of the killings. There is no guaranteed solution, but we can think of some ways to help, both the killers and the victims. For the killers also need help. They are sick, mentally ill, deranged. We are our brother's keeper, no matter what Cain thought. We should be aware of their lifestyle, needs and problems, without interfering in their personal lives, and available to help them or steer them toward community resources if it is warranted. Isolation and hopelessness are major forms of mental illness and we can help break through these barriers by being good neighbors. We can also be available to help victims by our sympathy and support in time of need.

Crimes like the Aurora massacre stir recurring demands for gun control. However, the right to bear arms is enshrined in our constitution, and it will take more than a few dead bodies to end America's love of guns. But perhaps we don't need unlimited access to weapons of mass destruction, to weapons that can fire 100 rounds without reloading, or hand-guns that can be modified to use clips with twelve or twenty bullets. And no private individual needs 6,000 rounds of ammunition.

A frequent argument is that if we limit gun ownership, criminals will still get guns. On this argument we should also allow unlimited sale of drugs. We don't because drugs are harmful. We allow limited use and possession of drugs when prescribed by a licensed physician. Limited possession and use of guns could also be permitted under license, with restrictions on the type and number of guns. A very simple control of gun ownership could be achieved by banning online sales of guns and ammunition. A purchase made in person with a valid identification would provide a check much as bank reporting does with money laundering. It would not be perfect but it would provide a paper-trail.

There are numerous ways in which suspicious behavior can be tracked but most of them involve profiling and would probably infringe on individual rights and liberties. The Biblical "Love your neighbor", meaning care about him and his well-being, is the most effective.

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